by Amy Dahlgren | Jun 28, 2017 | Samantha, Tips, Training Tips, Uncategorized
Recently I have been riding three very different horses but a theme has come to light during my lessons which is my bad habit of micromanaging. I think dressage riders have an especially tough task in avoiding micromanaging their horses during rides. Dressage attracts...
by Amy Dahlgren | Jun 20, 2017 | Amy, Showing
This year started out amazing. I have two really nice horses to show. Both just keep getting better. My plan was to qualify Saltira for the USDF Regional Championship at first and possibly second level. This would be my first season competing Belle and I would...
by Amy Dahlgren | Jun 5, 2017 | Showing
Horse shows!!! They can be amazingly fun and devastating. Why do we place so much emphasis on something we do for fun? Why do we let one persons opinion matter so much? Well obviously we want the justification that all the hours of hard work, not to mention the...